
Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering 

| An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai NAAC "A" Grade Accredited |



As the world advances and the entrepreneurial world achieves new heights the skill requires the industry expects from the students in order to succeed would consequently increase. With this Mission, Vision, and Values we declare the belief that this council plans to follow as a group and as individuals for the betterment of the entrepreneurial ecology of our prestigious institution and thus helping the students of Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering


To germinate the idea of entrepreneurship and develop the students to face the entrepreneurial challenges of tomorrow.


To develop a strong relationship between our students, our experienced alumni and experienced members of the business fields; allowing our students to have a dynamic mindset before starting their entrepreneurial voyage.


  • Integrity
  • Fortitude
  • Empathetic
  • Humility


E-CELL CRCE wishes to establish an environment suitable for the entrepreneurial environment of our prestigious institution. Through these newsletters, we wish to educate the students and help them grow.


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